Hi! I'm Daina.


Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach.
Women's Energy Rejuvenation Expert.
CEO of The Energized Woman.


I am YOUR personal root cause energy nutrition coach!

Why am I right for you?

BECAUSE you're busy and fed up with putting all the random nutrition advice together and hoping the "next" one will work for you.

BECAUSE you know the value of healthy eating & high energy and you deserve to hit your health goals simply, quickly and with little restrictions.

BECAUSE maybe youĀ bought a book, tried a few hundred supplements, and cleaned up your diet, but now you're ready to get down to business and beat fatigue for good.


Why me?

I battled Chronic Fatigue for almost 20 years. I survived, coped and simply "got by". I gave up everything except the basics - earning my high school diploma and university degree, and working my first full-time job.

Like you, I've tried all the "energy boosting" fixes - random supplements, vitamins, shakes and packages; detox kits that left me starving for days; acupuncture, massage, Reiki, belly breathing, meditation, and more; and endless meal plans and recipes that screamed "this is your secret to higher energy!"

Nothing worked. 

In fact, I just got more tired and frustrated!!!

And then I began to let go of the mainstream health philosophy of "doing"...another pill, another plan, another protocol.

And I started looking for the "WHY" behind my fatigue. That deep, root cause that kept me stuck on the couch instead out with friends on a Saturday night having fun in my early 20s!

This was the real secret to beating chronic fatigue - getting to know the root causes so that all your efforts are finally focused on what matters - reversing the health problems keeping you stuck!

And, me? I'm the Root Cause Queen of beating fatigue! 

Join me on a journey of unleashing fierce inner energy, confidence, productivity & growth.


Diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at 15, I struggled to feel any joy for life for almost 20 years. I lost friends, stopped the activities that lit me up, and turned down two deliciously exciting career paths.  All in the name of survival - simply trying to survive each day without crashing into a brick wall and spiralling into a dark hole of despair and exhaustion.

After getting so fed up with everyone telling me I had to learn to "live with it", I harnessed my stubbornness and began researching natural solutions.

Little by little, I started experimenting with a cleaner diet, a lot of random supplements, gym classes and, if you can believe it, more rest!

When that didn't help, I almost gave up.

Until I discovered the fascinating space of Holistic Nutrition - using food as medicine!

I went to school to learn more and finally had a new approach to improving my energy.

My education gave me insight into how to identify the root causes of WHY I was so exhausted...And gave me a solution that helped me reclaim my life!

Now, it's my mission to support women like YOU in unleashing the inner energy you're meant to have - so long as you identify the WHY behind your fatigue and address this with the right foods!

So, are you ready to get started?


Here are just a few women who've unleashed their energy with root cause nutrition:

"Daina is a fantastic coach and if you follow the program protocols and take her advice you too will find yourself with more energy to take on all the things you want to do in life!"

Carleigh W.

"After 20 years, I’m finally feeling refreshed most mornings. I feel lighter and so much healthier. My energy is improving and I feel like someone is actually listening to me and getting what it causing my fatigue!"

Sarah D.

"My first session with Daina gave me more clarity than years of searching and gave me direction to focus on. My energy and overall health improved and has continued to improve."

Shelly V.

"I've been full of energy, my stomach is happy, I'm not struggling with overeating, and I feel wonderful. Your support & guidance have been so helpful!"

Talya P.

Besides helping women finally feel confident and successful in all areas of their lives, here are few random facts about me.

Do you want a deeper, refined understanding of why you're so exhausted?


If you're serious about improving your energy and increasing your productivity and you're inspired to put all the pieces of nutrition and natural health together in a simple, time-savings way, 

Then start your journey with a Root Cause Deep Dive Discovery Session.

On this 60-minute call, you'll get clarity on what foods your body needs to thrive, and find out which hormones to focus on most for maximum energy. 

You'll dissolve the overwhelm and confusion about which foods are right for a women's body. And you'll get a uniquely personal solution to support you in feeling laser-focused, getting more done in less time, and feeling like you're in control of your own health again.

Yes, I'm Ready to Dive Into MY Root Cause and End My Fatigue!